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Life at CNU

City Bus Transit on the CNU Yeosu Campus

작성자대외협력과 작성일2022.01.06 21:33 조회202

A city bus, which currently stops at the main gate of the CNU Yeosu Campus, will extend its route to the newly made bus stops on the CNU Yeosu Campus, which is expected to improve convenience for students who use public transportation as well as local residents who visit the campus.

After the agreement between CNU, Yeosu City, and bus companies, city bus no. 6 was chosen to extend its operation to the inside of the CNU Yeosu Campus. Two buses will run 13 times a day. 

Accordingly, from February 2022, the route of City Bus no. 6 will be changed to < Yeosu Munsu Post Office - Yeosu Civic Hall - Main Gate of the Yeosu Expo - Manheung Police Box - CNU Yeosu Campus College of Engineering Building 3 – Rotary Bus Stop on the CNU Yeosu Campus – CNU Main Gate>.

It is expected to contribute to the convenience of students using public transportation as well as mutual exchange and win-win cooperation among local residents as it facilitates the movement from the downtown area of Yeosu to the CNU Yeosu Campus. Particularly, it is expected to contribute to attracting new students to the campus.

The circulation of city buses inside university campuses has been proven to improve the convenience for students commuters and cooperation between local communities and the university, as has been shown at the CNU Yongbong Campus, Seoul National University, Korea University, Yonsei University, and Sungkyunkwan University.

Particularly, as the CNU Yeosu Campus has opened Cheong-gyeong Maru to local residents, the city bus transits through campus can facilitate interaction between the campus and local communities. Cheong-gyeong Maru is equipped with a cultural space including a 24-hour convenience store, rest area, individual media studio, cafe, meeting rooms, exhibition halls, and study rooms. 

President Jung said, “With the circulation of city buses inside the campus, the university and the local community have become closer physically as well as emotionally. We will further establish various programs for mutual development with the local community.”