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[SDG 16]16.3.1 provide expert advice to government

작성일2023.11.09 13:57 조회176
16.3.1 provide expert advice to government

[Domestic Academic-Industry Agreement Status]
Chonnam National University has formed agreements with local governments and the national government, actively providing counsel and cooperation for sustainable development across all sectors. This initiative targets not only academic exchange but also aims at development in various areas including research, technological development, and social contribution. Such cooperative relationships offer diverse academic opportunities for students and provide a platform for faculty to expand their research horizons, contributing to the overall enhancement of the university's capabilities. Chonnam National University strives to establish itself as a leading institution pursuing sustainable development at both the local and national levels through these efforts.
[Official Request for Meeting Attendance]
Local governments and national agencies often hold expert advisory meetings when insight and expertise are needed across various specialized fields. For these consultations, individuals with expert knowledge and practical experience in particular areas are crucial, and in this regard, the faculty of Chonnam National University play a significant role. The professors of Chonnam National University provide essential advice in the policy-making process of local and government agencies, based on their academic expertise and research achievements. They contribute to policy development with their in-depth analysis and professional knowledge in fields such as science and technology, social sciences, and humanities. Sometimes, they also partake in the practical aspects of policy implementation, enhancing its effectiveness. Through this process, the professors at Chonnam National University make a tangible contribution to the advancement of national and local communities, serving as a bridge for applying academic research to solving real-world societal issues.

Evidnce Academic-Industry Agreement Status Request for Meeting Attendance