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[SDG 4]4.3.3 lifelong learning vocational training events

작성일2023.11.05 09:40 조회135
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4.3.3 lifelong learning vocational training events
★ Chonnam National University Lifelong Education Center
Lifelong education encompasses the characteristics of life, lifelong learning, integration, and education. It is a concept aimed at ensuring the right to education through freedom of educational choice, aspiring to create a learning society where education happens in all places and institutions, from the cradle to the grave. This approach will become increasingly important and useful as a future societal educational ideal and model capable of overcoming rapid social changes, an aging society, and the issues of traditional educational concepts.
Therefore, the Chonnam National University Lifelong Education Center, as a regional hub university, contributes to ensuring the educational choices and learning rights of the local residents throughout their lives, thereby enabling them to lead healthy and happy lives of high quality.
The Chonnam National University Lifelong Education Center currently operates over 100 different programs annually, including the CNU Artificial Intelligence (AI) Academy for the general public, Aesthete (Humanities) Academia, Credit Bank system, and general courses (qualifications, leadership, liberal arts, food, health, arts, literature, business/economics, etc.) as well as programs in conjunction with local governments (Gwangju Buk-gu Office, Wando, Jindo, etc.).

[Short-term Education Courses]

[Credit Bank System Courses]
The Credit Bank system is based on the "Law on the Recognition of Credits" and allows various forms of learning and qualifications, both in and out of school, to be recognized as credits. Once accumulated credits meet certain criteria, they enable degree acquisition, ultimately aiming to realize an open learning society, a lifelong learning society. In addition, the Credit Bank system is an institutional foundation for the realization of a lifelong learning system, fairly evaluating and recognizing the results of various lifelong educational activities, allowing mutual recognition between school education and lifelong education, and facilitating their organic linkage, thereby maximizing individual learning capabilities.

[Certification Courses]

The private qualification acquisition courses are operated with the approval of the Korean Association of Public Universities for Lifelong Education and, upon completion of the required courses, participants can take the qualification examination. Successful candidates acquire a private qualification issued by the chairman of the Korean Association of Public Universities for Lifelong Education.


- 4.3.3_1 Chonnam National University Lifelong Education Center Operation Regulations
- 4.3.3_2 Chonnam National University Lifelong Education Center Student Recruitment Notice
- Chonnam National University Lifelong Education Center website: