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[SDG 4]4.3.4 education outreach activities beyond campus

작성일2023.11.05 09:40 조회172
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4.3.4 education outreach activities beyond campus

[Service Activities Linked to Majors]
Chonnam National University operates a system of service activities linked to majors to cultivate leadership, foster a correct sense of community, and promote a practical spirit of service in connection with the local community.
Service activities linked to majors refer to a system that enhances practical experience learning in connection with the major. Under the guidance of faculty, students plan and operate various programs in collaboration with local communities and welfare organizations. The programs include medical services for underprivileged groups in the medical field, psychological counseling to overcome Corona Blue in the psychology field, nutrition education in the life science field, local resident education in the social welfare field, support for establishing social enterprises in the business field, and performance lessons and recitals in the arts and physical education field.

4.3.4_1 Plan for Service Activities Linked to Majors (Draft)

[Education for Korean Learners of Korean Descent]

The Department of Korean Language and Literature at Chonnam National University, under the BK21 FOUR program, invited Professor An Jungmin from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies to conduct the 4th Public Practice Class.
The online lecture focused on 'Korean Language Education for Learners of Korean Descent,' where Professor An discussed the identity of Koreans of Korean descent, the usage patterns of heritage language, and the educational characteristics of the Korean language.

News article:

[Creative Design Camp for Gifted Students in Honam and Chungcheong]

The Science Education Center for the Gifted at Chonnam National University conducted the 'Creative Design Camp' online on three occasions until February 12th.
During this camp, which took place during the winter break, approximately 160 gifted students from nine universities in the Honam and Chungcheong regions participated for six hours a day over two days.
The remote camp included projects that utilized TRIZ to develop creative solutions, identify contradictions in problems, and taught how to overcome these contradictions using the separation principle.

News article:

[Yeosu City Life Science Classroom]

The Yeosu City Life Science Classroom, led by Professor Lee Sik of Chonnam National University, is provided for elementary school students. The program is free of charge and includes Artificial Intelligence and Carbon Neutrality Ozobot and Integrated Coding Protecting Our Earth with Carbon Neutrality Eco-friendly Cars Powered by Coding AI Coding and the Future Environment Traveling with Coconuts Protecting the Earth with Carbon Neutrality! Learning about Carbon Neutrality with Coding Robots Science for Protecting the Environment.

News article:

[Dream Growth Camp]

The Global Education Center at Chonnam National University held a 'Youth Dream Growth Camp' targeting young people from educationally underprivileged groups.
The Youth Dream Growth Camp is a residential mentoring education program designed to enhance the global competencies of local youth, which included career and major experiences with student mentors. The program was filled with various activities such as 'Me, Myself, and I' with native speaker instructors, career special lectures by professional instructors, majors and special activities taught by the mentors themselves, and group tasks such as visiting campus institutions and carrying out missions.

News article:

[Rural Media Education Camp]

Chonnam National University hosted a media education camp to contribute to the local community and support the career exploration of youths.
The Department of Journalism and Broadcasting at Chonnam National University held a 'Rural Media Camp' at Jangpyeong Middle School in Jangheung County, where classes on drone filming, video special editing, and screenplay writing were conducted.
In this media camp, Chonnam National University students from the Department of Journalism and Broadcasting, who completed a media teaching course after preparing media equipment and undergoing pre-education for practical skills, teamed up with Jangpyeong Middle School students. They created video content in line with the 'Peaceful School Project' run by the school, addressing four themes: hate speech, gender sensitivity, school violence, and fake news.

News article: