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[SDG 16]16.2.1 Elected representation

작성일2024.10.07 15:44 조회11

Chonnam National University University Council Regulations

Chonnam National University operates the University Council as its highest governing body, with elected representatives from undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff (including non-faculty employees). The University Council is established in accordance with Article 14 of the Chonnam National University Bylaws, with regulations defining its composition and operation. Its primary functions include deliberating on key matters, such as university development plans, curriculum management, and the establishment or revision of the university charter and bylaws.

The University Council comprises a total of 20 council members, with each representative unit as follows:

  1. 9 faculty representatives recommended by the Faculty Association
  2. 1 non-regular faculty representative recommended by the Korea Non-Regular Faculty Union, Chonnam Branch
  3. 3 civil servant representatives recommended by the Civil Servants' Union, Chonnam Branch
  4. 1 university accounting staff representative recommended by the University Workers' Union, Chonnam Branch
  5. 2 teaching assistants recommended by the National University Assistant Union, Chonnam Branch
  6. 3 student representatives recommended by the General Student Council (or alternative organization if not constituted)
  7. 1 alumni representative recommended by the Alumni Association

Each unit determines its own election method for council members, adhering to democratic procedures that reflect the opinions of its entire membership. Through this structure, Chonnam National University ensures that student, faculty, and staff representatives actively participate in the University Council, contributing to the decision-making processes.

※ This regulation is publicly accessible on the Chonnam National University website

※ Evidence
16.2.1 Chonnam National University University Council Regulations