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번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회
51 [Governance] [GG6] University governing body wi... 미래전략정책실 2024-04-11 124
50 [Governance] [GG5] Official student council 미래전략정책실 2024-04-11 115
49 [Governance] [GG1] Ethical Organizational Cultu... 미래전략정책실 2024-04-11 113
48 [Governance] [GG1] Ethical Organizational Cultu... 미래전략정책실 2024-04-11 110
47 [Governance] [GG1] Ethical Organizational Cultu... 미래전략정책실 2024-04-11 113
46 [Governance] [GG1] Ethical Organizational Cultu... 미래전략정책실 2024-04-11 115
45 [Governance] [GG*] A dedicated staff member or ... 미래전략정책실 2024-04-11 119
44 [Governance] [GG7] Anti-bribery and corruption ... 미래전략정책실 2024-04-11 114
43 [Governance] [GG1] Existence of anti-discrimina... 미래전략정책실 2024-04-11 111
42 [Governance] [GG1] Existence of committee, offi... 미래전략정책실 2024-04-11 114
41 [Social Impact] [HW2] Health and wellbeing service... 미래전략정책실 2024-04-11 125
40 [Social Impact] [HW2] Health and wellbeing service... 미래전략정책실 2024-04-11 125
39 [Social Impact] [HW2] Health and wellbeing service... 미래전략정책실 2024-04-11 121
38 [Social Impact] [HW2] Health and wellbeing service... 미래전략정책실 2024-04-09 126
37 [Social Impact] [KE2] outreach projects for the lo... 미래전략정책실 2024-04-09 129
36 [Social Impact] [EQ*] dedicated training on Social... 미래전략정책실 2024-04-09 129
35 [Social Impact] [EQ7] support services for people ... 미래전략정책실 2024-04-09 126
34 [Social Impact] [EQ7] support services for people ... 미래전략정책실 2024-04-09 121
33 [Social Impact] [EQ7] support services for people ... 미래전략정책실 2024-04-09 126
32 [Social Impact] [EQ7] support services for people ... 미래전략정책실 2024-04-09 129