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Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Consumption Statement
Chonnam National University contributes to sustainable development and environmental protection by reporting its greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption to the Ministry of Environment every year, in accordance with the "Framework Act on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth for Coping with Climate Crises" and the "Act on Allocation and Trading of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Allowances."
The greenhouse gas emissions (tCO2-eq) for Chonnam National University in 2023 are as follows:
Scope 1: 5,052.411
Scope 2: 31,011.086
Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions: 36,057
Compared to last year's figure (37,185 tCO2-eq), Chonnam National University's greenhouse gas emissions have improved in a more positive direction.
This reflects the university's efforts to implement various environmentally friendly measures, such as improving energy efficiency, transitioning to eco-friendly infrastructure, and adopting sources of renewable energy.