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[Governance][GG1] Ethical Organizational Culture-Ethics-based education

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Chonnam National University's Talent Development Plan for the Realization of Ethical Values

Chonnam National University provides a diverse array of educational programs for its faculty, staff, and students, aimed at not only developing individual competencies but also cultivating ethical values and basic aptitudes that serve the public interest. These programs are designed to invigorate the operation of key national policies and major educational initiatives, ensuring that all members of the educational community can live up to the high ethical standards and social values required in public service.

Activation of Key National Tasks and Major Policy Education:

  • Proactive Administration Practice Education: Targeting all staff, this initiative emphasizes the need for a proactive and progressive attitude in public servants and educational institution employees. The goal is to develop the capability to bring about positive societal changes through ethical leadership and responsible administration practices.
  • Public Servant Labor Relations Education: Offered to all employees, this program highlights the importance of establishing healthy and transparent labor relations. It contributes to creating a fair and responsible working environment where every member feels valued and respected.
  • Information Disclosure and Personal Information Protection & Information Security Education: Proper management and disclosure of information form the foundation of transparent administration. Through these programs, employees understand the importance of protecting personal information and securing data, practices crucial for building societal trust from an ethical standpoint.

Cultivation of Proper Values and Basic Qualities as Public Servants:

  • Prevention Education for Sexual Harassment, Sexual Violence, etc.: Aimed at all employees, this preventive education seeks to create a safe and respectful work environment. It lays the foundation for all members to work in an atmosphere of equality and fairness.
  • Anti-corruption and Integrity Education: Provided to all staff, this training underscores the significance of a clean work culture and explores practical measures for preventing corruption. Emphasis is placed on making ethical decisions and practicing transparency and responsibility.
  • Enhancement of Digital Competence and Understanding: Acquiring the competencies required in the digital age is also crucial from an ethical perspective. Responsible use of technology and digital literacy are essential for the ethical management and utilization of information.

Through these educational programs, Chonnam National University aims to support all its members in internalizing and practicing ethical values and social responsibilities. In doing so, the university seeks to cultivate talents that can positively impact the wider society by x-x-x-embedding a deep sense of ethics and duty in their professional and personal lives.

workplace education

Chonnam National University conducts monthly collective training sessions for its faculty and staff as part of a workplace education program aimed at x-embedding ethical values. This systematic approach to ethics training ensures that all employees are consistently engaged with key topics essential for fostering a responsible, inclusive, and integrity-based campus culture. The education schedule for 2023 is thoughtfully designed to address several critical areas:

  • March 2023: Sexual Harassment Prevention Education - This session is focused on raising awareness about the importance of maintaining a respectful and safe working environment. It centers on preventing sexual harassment by educating staff on how to recognize, respond to, and report inappropriate behavior.

  • May 2023: Disability Awareness Training - In May, the focus shifts to enhancing understanding and awareness of disabilities. This training is designed to cultivate an inclusive atmosphere that values diversity and promotes empathy and support for colleagues with disabilities.

  • June 2023: Integrity Education - The June session underscores the significance of integrity in professional conduct. It aims to reinforce ethical decision-making, transparency, and honesty across all university operations.

  • August 2023: Integrity and Information Security Education - The combined session in August highlights the importance of ethical behavior and introduces key aspects of information security. Participants learn about protecting sensitive information and the ethical considerations surrounding information handling and privacy.

Through these targeted training programs on topics such as sexual harassment prevention, disability awareness, integrity, and information security, Chonnam National University emphasizes its commitment to ethical excellence and creating a respectful, secure environment for learning and work for everyone.