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[Governance][GG6] University governing body with student members

작성일2024.04.11 18:03 조회141
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1. Chonnam National University Council

Established under Article 14 of the Chonnam National University Regulations, the University Council deliberates on matters crucial to the development and governance of the institution. This includes:

1. Matters related to the university development plan.
2. The operation of the educational curriculum.
3. The establishment or amendment of the university charter.
4. The creation or revision of university regulations.
5. Other important issues related to education as stipulated by the university regulations.

The University Council consists of 20 members, which notably includes 3 student representatives. This inclusion underscores the university's commitment to incorporating student perspectives in its decision-making processes, ensuring that policies and initiatives reflect the needs and aspirations of the student body. By engaging students in such high-level deliberations, Chonnam National University fosters a more inclusive, transparent, and responsive academic environment.

2. Tuition Deliberation Committee

The Tuition Deliberation Committee at Chonnam National University is tasked with discussing and making decisions on matters related to the setting of university tuition fees. The committee includes four students among its members, ensuring that the student body has a voice in deliberations that directly impact their financial obligations to the university.

3. CNU Graduate Schools Curriculum and academic management committee

The Curriculum and Academic Management Committee of the CNU Graduate Schools is tasked with deliberating on key issues such as the management of graduate school curricula, the awarding of bachelor's degrees, and the development of an innovation plan for educational methodologies. The committee includes two student representatives, ensuring that student perspectives are considered in decisions that affect their academic experience.

4. CNU Graduate Schools Innovation committee

The Innovation Committee of the CNU Graduate Schools is responsible for overseeing policies aimed at transforming Chonnam National University into a world-class, research-oriented institution and nurturing innovative professional talents. The committee includes student members who actively contribute to its mission for a two-year term, ensuring that student insights play a vital role in shaping the university's direction towards innovation and excellence.

5. CNU Finance Committee

The CNU Finance Committee is responsible for deliberating on critical issues related to the financial and accounting operations of Chonnam National University. The committee's inclusion of two student members ensures that the student perspective is considered in discussions that impact the university's financial health and management.

6. "IR-Based Performance Management Committee

The "IR-Based Performance Management Committee" at Chonnam National University is responsible for monitoring performance across various university operations, including development and financial aid programs. Importantly, the committee features student representatives, ensuring that the decision-making process incorporates the student perspective and contributes to the effectiveness of university actions. This method underscores the university's commitment to including a range of viewpoints in its governance.