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Life at CNU

CNU Students Give Higher Priority to Job Stability than Salary

작성자 작성일2004.04.19 14:59 조회2108
The majority of college students think job stability is more important than income in selecting jobs, according to CNU Career Center. In a survey of 224 students attending a course of “Life and job searching,” 42 percent (94 students) gave the highest priority to stability among factors affecting job selection. Job stability was the most important with 42 percent, followed by aptitude or interest with 23.2 percent (52 students), self-development possibility with 22.8 percent (51 students), and income with 12.1 percent (27 student). The survey found that 33.8 percent (76 students) of the respondents wanted to work for large conglomerates. 31.3 percent (70 students) said they want to be public officials and 24.6 percent (55) selected public corporations for their workplaces. Of 22 freshman students taking part in the survey, 14 freshman students (reaching up to 63.6 percent of the total) wanted to work for the government. About salary scales, 47.1 percent (106 students) said their annually salary will be 20-25 million won. 54.5 percent (122 students) said the linguistic qualifications are the most difficult factor to achieve for their employment.