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Life at CNU

CNU-Naver-KERIS Agreement for Sharing Academic Research Results

작성자대외협력실 작성일2023.08.08 15:47 조회57

CNU joined forces with Naver, a global ICT company, and the Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS), which provides educational and academic information, to build an academic research performance information system.

On July 6, CNU signed a business agreement with Naver-KERIS for the joint establishment of academic research performance information system.

The agreement involved a total of seven universities, including CNU, Kyungpook National University, Chungnam National University, Dongguk University, Ewha Womans University, Chung-Ang University, and Hanyang University. Each entered into a three-way business agreement with Naver and KERIS.

Representatives from Naver, including CEO Choi Soo-yeon, KERIS President Seo Yoo-mi, and presidents and vice presidents of the seven participating universities attended the signing ceremony. In place of President Jung, Vice President Min Jung-joon participated in the event.

Through this business agreement, KERIS and Naver will share researcher information collected by themselves and information related to papers.

Partner universities, including CNU, can receive data-based research performance analysis information. While cooperating in service usability and information verification, members will make joint efforts to improve the research capabilities of Korean universities.

Vice President Min stated, “University research capabilities have significantly improved with the introduction of the new research information system. I hope this agreement will provide a new alternative for universities that have been solely relying on expensive foreign research information systems.”