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Life at CNU

A Welcoming Ceremony for the New Students
Entrance to CNU Held

작성자 작성일2004.04.06 13:59 조회4193
The Class of 2004 was officially welcomed into the CNU community with a welcoming ceremony. The ceremony took place at the University Auditorium at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, March 2. The ceremony is the formal welcoming of the freshman class by the President, faculty, and other students; it signifies that they have become oriented to the University and are ready to become part of the CNU community. This ceremony marked the beginning of the 2004 academic year. President Chung Seok-jong declared the admissions of 6,324 students (4,532 to bachelor degree courses, 1,332 to master degree courses, and 460 to doctoral degree courses). Lee Bo-hyong, freshman of the Dept. of Pre-medicine swore on oath as a student representative. At the congratulatory speech, President Chung expressed his thanks to the parents of the freshmen and called on the freshmen to participate actively in study programs for specialties along with various student activities and to pursue CNU
s mottos; truth, creativity, and service. He told the new students, \"Based on the former CNU students love for our country, who accomplished their duties as intelligence to lead the society with their lofty ideals. CNU is trying to foster future leaders of noble character as well as profound knowledge in professional fields and who will be able to contribute to the development of the nation and the world.\" \"CNU is taking the initiative in building a successful education system based on high-quality education and research activities, as well as community services. CNU has been making efforts to prepare various plans for the development of local universities, which was initiated by the new participatory government. In keeping with the government
s decentralization-oriented policy, CNU is faithfully performing its role as a center for the development of this region. Our school will effectively use its human and structural resources to construct an innovative system which not only spurs individual development but also contributes to the regional economy,\" President Chung said. He also asked that each student take responsibility, become active learners, active doers and active citizens while studying at CNU as a proud Yongbongian.