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번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회
328 [SDG 17] 17.4.3 Education for SDGs in the w... 미래전략정책실 2024-10-07 44
327 [SDG 17] 17.4.2 Education for SDGs: specifi... 미래전략정책실 2024-10-07 40
326 [SDG 17] 17.4.1 Education for SDGs commitme... 미래전략정책실 2024-10-07 35
325 [SDG 17] 17.2.5 Collaboration with NGOs for... 미래전략정책실 2024-10-07 38
324 [SDG 17] 17.2.4 Collaboration for SDG best ... 미래전략정책실 2024-10-07 35
323 [SDG 17] 17.2.3 International collaboration... 미래전략정책실 2024-10-07 33
322 [SDG 17] 17.2.2 Cross sectoral dialogue abo... 미래전략정책실 2024-10-07 36
321 [SDG 17] 17.2.1 Relationships with regional... 미래전략정책실 2024-10-07 33
320 [SDG 16] 16.3.4 Neutral platform to discuss... 미래전략정책실 2024-10-07 28
319 [SDG 16] 16.3.3 Participation in government... 미래전략정책실 2024-10-07 26
318 [SDG 16] 16.3.2 Policy- and lawmakers outre... 미래전략정책실 2024-10-07 23
317 [SDG 16] 16.3.1 Provide expert advice to go... 미래전략정책실 2024-10-07 27
316 [SDG 16] 16.2.7 Publish financial data 미래전략정책실 2024-10-07 26
315 [SDG 16] 16.2.6 Academic freedom policy 미래전략정책실 2024-10-07 23
314 [SDG 16] 16.2.5 University principles on co... 미래전략정책실 2024-10-07 24
313 [SDG 16] 16.2.4 Participatory bodies for st... 미래전략정책실 2024-10-07 25
312 [SDG 16] 16.2.3 Identify and engage with lo... 미래전략정책실 2024-10-07 25
311 [SDG 16] 16.2.2 Students’ union 미래전략정책실 2024-10-07 30
310 [SDG 16] 16.2.1 Elected representation 미래전략정책실 2024-10-07 25
309 [SDG 15] 15.4.3 Policy on hazardous waste d... 미래전략정책실 2024-10-07 21