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번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회
14 [SDG 11] 11.4.7 sustainable practices plann... 미래전략정책실 2023-11-08 118
13 [SDG 11] 11.4.8 sustainable practices plann... 미래전략정책실 2023-11-08 106
12 [SDG 11] 11.4.6 sustainable practices pedes... 미래전략정책실 2023-11-08 111
11 [SDG 11] 11.4.5 sustainable practices housi... 미래전략정책실 2023-11-08 111
10 [SDG 11] 11.4.4 sustainable practices housi... 미래전략정책실 2023-11-08 125
9 [SDG 11] 11.4.3 sustainable practices remot... 미래전략정책실 2023-11-08 109
8 [SDG 11] 11.4.2 sustainable practices actions 미래전략정책실 2023-11-08 112
7 [SDG 11] 11.4.1 sustainable practices targets 미래전략정책실 2023-11-08 115
6 [SDG 11] 11.2.6 support of arts and heritag... 미래전략정책실 2023-11-08 116
5 [SDG 11] 11.2.5 arts and heritage contribut... 미래전략정책실 2023-11-08 114
4 [SDG 11] 11.2.4 support of arts and heritag... 미래전략정책실 2023-11-08 109
3 [SDG 11] 11.2.3 public access to museums 미래전략정책실 2023-11-08 121
2 [SDG 11] 11.2.1 public access to buildings 미래전략정책실 2023-11-08 113
1 [SDG 11] 11.2.1 public access to buildings 미래전략정책실 2023-11-08 112