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About CNU
1 빈곤종식
2 기아해소
3 건강증진과웰빙
4 양질의 교육
5 성 평등
 깨끗한 물과 위생
7 깨끗한 에너지
8경제성장과 좋은 일자리
9 산업 혁신과사회기반시설
10 불평등 감소
11지속가능한 도시지역사회
12 지속가능한 소비 생산
13 기후변화
14 해양보존
15 육상보호
16 평화 정의 이행수단강화
17 글로벌 파트너십
Please check the attached file for the evidence provided below
3.3.3 shared sports facilities
Chonnam National University operates a sports center to contribute to the development of local sports and to manage various athletic facilities. The Sports Center's operating principles, stated in Article 3 of the regulations, mandate that the center should be run on its own income and adhere to the principle of non-profit operation.
The Chonnam National University Sports Center is available not only to faculty, staff, and students but also to the general public. The sports facilities include 1. an artificial turf field, 2. futsal and tennis courts, and 3. a gymnasium. The health program offerings, such as yoga, ballet, tennis, and pilates, are well-received by the local community.

- 3.3.3_1 Chonnam National University Sports Center Operating Regulations
- 3.3.3_2 Chonnam National University Athletic Facilities Management and Operating Rules

The usage statistics for the Chonnam National University Sports Center are as follows:
In 2022, the total number of users was 10,756, with 4,450 being members of the university community, indicating a significantly higher percentage of general public users.
(User ratio: University members (41.4%), General public (58.6%))
Chonnam National University shares excellent sports facilities and programs with the local community at reasonable prices.


Evidence: 3.3.3_3 2022 Academic Year Sports Center Usage Statistics
Chonnam National University's main stadium is bustling with local residents who come to exercise in the evenings. The stadium has become a local hotspot for physical activity, with the walking track being open to the public for free.