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About CNU
1 빈곤종식
2 기아해소
3 건강증진과웰빙
4 양질의 교육
5 성 평등
 깨끗한 물과 위생
7 깨끗한 에너지
8경제성장과 좋은 일자리
9 산업 혁신과사회기반시설
10 불평등 감소
11지속가능한 도시지역사회
12 지속가능한 소비 생산
13 기후변화
14 해양보존
15 육상보호
16 평화 정의 이행수단강화
17 글로벌 파트너십
Please check the attached file for the evidence provided below
5.6.3 womens progress measures maternity paternity

Chonnam National University is committed to preventing disadvantages caused by pregnancy, childbirth, or infant adoption and to improving organizational culture for the balance and compatibility of work and family life.
1. According to the national public service regulations, employees who are pregnant or have given birth are entitled to 90 days of leave.
2. Pregnant​ employees can receive up to two hours of maternity protection time per day.
3. Employees with children under five years old can take up to two hours of childcare time per day to take care of their children.

4. The university operates a system of leave for pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare for students who need to take time off for these reasons.

5. Female faculty members are given an extension of their appointment period within two years for one childbirth and within one year for adopting an infant or pre-school-aged child (under six years old) during their employment period.

6. Female faculty members are exempted from their teaching responsibilities for the semester they are unable to teach due to maternity leave.

7. Faculty members who are on parental leave or maternity leave during a semester are exempted from teaching in English for that semester.

8. Faculty members who do not teach for a semester or more due to maternity or parental leave are awarded the basic points for educational performance evaluation (115 points per semester).

9. Faculty members on maternity or parental leave are excluded from the restrictions on applying for a sabbatical year.

10. The university operates a childcare facility (daycare center) to support the care of infants and toddlers for families within the university and local community, thereby creating an environment where couples, including women, can devote themselves to their work.

11. Every Wednesday is designated as ‘Family Love Day,’ promoting leaving work on time, discouraging after-hours gatherings, and practicing family love among faculty and staff.

12. Efforts are made to create an atmosphere within the university that encourages not only women but also men to utilize childcare time, child care leave, etc., to balance work and family.

13. A nursing facility equipped for prenatal and postnatal mothers, as well as a resting room for mothers, is operated in the health clinic.

14. A celebration payment for childbirth is given to employees who have given birth.


- 5.6.3_1 Chonnam National University Academic Regulations Article 10-3
- 5.6.3_2 Chonnam National University Class Management Guidelines Article 45-3
- 5.6.3_3 Chonnam National University Faculty Performance Evaluation Regulation Annex 1 <Reference> 6., 11.
- 5.6.3_4 Chonnam National University Staff Association Constitution and Operating Rules
- 5.6.3_5 Gender Equality Measures Implementation Report