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[SDG 7]7.2.4 university measures towards affordable clean energy energy efficiency plan

작성일2023.11.06 13:48 조회113
Please check the attached file for the evidence provided below
7.2.4 university measures towards affordable clean energy energy efficiency plan

[Energy Saving Action Plan]
In response to the global energy crisis and the strengthened energy-saving mandates for public institutions, Chonnam National University has established a 'Winter Energy Saving Plan' to enhance public utility cost savings and energy efficiency through efficient energy management and encouraging voluntary energy conservation participation among university members.
Implementation Strategies
Heating Operation
· Adjust heating temperature, control heating, ban on personal heaters, etc.
Lighting Operation
· Set indoor lighting off times, turn off advertising/decorative lighting during late-night hours, etc.
Energy Saving Inspection Team Operation
· On-site inspections and guidance on power-saving behaviors, etc.

7.2.4 Energy Saving Action Plan