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[SDG 7]7.4.1 energy and community programmes to learn clean energy

작성일2023.11.06 13:49 조회112
Please check the attached file for the evidence provided below
7.4.1 energy and community programmes to learn clean energy

[ESG Expert Training Education]
To expand eco-friendly management in companies, education was provided to cultivate experts in ESG activities targeting corporate ESG officers and citizens.
- Education Title: ESG Expert Training Education (Basic Edition)
- Number of Participants: 41, including local business representatives, university students, and citizens
- Education Content: Understanding of the ESG concept and international and domestic response status, ESG and various risks, key ESG issues, ESG disclosure systems and evaluation, understanding and application of ESG guidelines

[ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Seminar]

To contribute to the development of sustainable corporate management, a seminar related to ESG, which is a recent hot topic in corporate management, was held.
- Education Title: ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Seminar
- Number of Participants: 150 corporate executives
- Education Content: Domestic and international trends of ESG and response strategies, ESG management cases in the Yeosu Industrial Complex, etc.

[Village Resource Recycling Educator Training]
Education was conducted to propose solutions and directions for village waste issues, to expand the opportunities for residents to actively participate in village issues, and to disseminate the willingness to practice responding to the climate crisis.
- Education Title: Village Resource Recycling Educator Training
- Attendees: 30 village officers and residents within Damyang County
- Education Content: The time to practice now in the age of climate crisis, the flow and system of resource recycling in Korea, etc.


7.4.1_1 ESG Expert Training Education
7.4.1_2 ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Seminar
7.4.1_3 Village Resource Recycling Educator Training