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[SDG 7]7.4.4 policy development for clean energy technology

작성일2023.11.06 13:50 조회124
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7.4.4 policy development for clean energy technology
[Carbon Neutrality and Energy Efficiency Improvement Forum]
A forum was held to establish a plan for carbon neutrality, energy transition, and improving energy efficiency in response to the high energy intensity and emissions in Yeosu National Industrial Complex, a significant contributor to the greenhouse gases in Jeollanam-do, with 50,000 tons of the region's 110,000 tons of emissions.
This expert forum aimed to explore the use of hydrogen energy and strategies to achieve RE100 for carbon neutrality and energy transition in the Yeosu National Industrial Complex.
- Participants: 56 individuals from Yeosu Industrial Complex companies, academic circles, and civic groups active in energy.
- Topics: The current state of carbon neutrality, energy security, energy efficiency, and implementation strategies.
[Yeosu City Resource Circulation Basic Ordinance Establishment Policy Forum]
As part of the efforts to establish a resource circulation activation system, Yeosu City held a policy forum to discuss and gather diverse opinions from experts and stakeholders for the establishment of a basic ordinance on resource circulation. The forum aimed to create a legislative foundation for resource circulation.
- Participants: Yeosu City council members, citizens of Yeosu, environmental groups
- Topics: Early implementation of the establishment of Yeosu City's Resource Circulation Basic Ordinance
7.4.4_1 Carbon Neutrality and Energy Efficiency Improvement Forum
7.4.4_2 Yeosu City Resource Circulation Basic Ordinance Establishment Policy Forum